
Course Project for CEN5035 : Software Engineering

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# Gator Housing - Apartment/Sublease finder website.

## Description The project aims to develop an online marketplace enabling people to lease or rent apartments and improve the search speed and quality by using ElasticSearch. This is being developed for the Software Engineering course (CEN5035) at the University of Florida, Fall 2017.

## Technology Involved


### Node v4.2.0 Install node v4.2.0 from

### Elasticsearch v5.3.6

### Install Dependencies

## How To Run

  1. npm install - To install all required node modules
  2. elasticsearch - To be run as a service.
  3. npm start - To be run in a separate terminal to start the node server
  4. ng build - To be run in a separate terminal to build the angular app
  5. In a browser, go to “localhost:4200” to access the website

Running Front-End Tests

### Running unit tests Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

## Running end-to-end tests Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor. Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via ng serve.

Running Back-End Tests


### Back-End Documentation

## Front-End Docmentation

## Team Members